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This Blows

2020 is freaking me out. For the past few years we became somewhat immune to the upside down world we found ourselves living in, it seemed like nothing could shock us anymore. But I gotta say I am pretty shocked by what has happened. I think we all are. My kids are taking it in stride, but I know it is hard on them, My oldest is a senior in high school and will most likely miss out on the coming of age rituals that we have all taken for granted. There will be no photos of him in a cap and gown, no awkward prom photos and no hearing his name called out as he walks across the stage to collect his diploma. My younger one, a sophomore is missing her friends and wishing she was on that band trip to Charleston she had been looking forward to all year. She is filling her time with watercolors, mythology and chatting with friends on-line. They'll be ok, they live a life of comfort and privilege and know that there are people that are really suffering. The toll this is taking on people's lives is devastating. The small business sector may never recover from this pandemic - makers, artists, studio employees, bakers, chefs, cooks, barbers, stylists...... the list is depressingly long. Covet has always been an umbrella business of hundreds of other small businesses. Our products are almost all made in small studios from across the country or locally and many of the makers have become friends over the past ten years. I am determined to stick around, the community of customers, vendors and neighbors is bigger than this. In the meantime I am updating the web store as quickly as I can, the outpouring of love I have gotten over the past week has been amazing and keeps me trying harder. I am enjoying cooking for my family every day and seeing my husband more than usual. My dogs are living their best lives with multiple walks a day, snuggles on demand and probably more treats than they deserve. We are listening to all of our records which the kids aren't always so sure about but listening to an album from start to finish is almost like time travelling back to the good old days (even if the good old days were just like when we weren't all social distancing). Here is a playlist I created, if you like the music you hear while you're shopping at Covet then you'll enjoy it. Until we meet again, stay safe and stay well.

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